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Hyde's record against Morecambe

 PlayedHyde WinDrawMorecambe winHyde GoalsMorecambe Goals
At Hyde165742725
At Morecambe162591936
Neutral venue000000
DateOpponentCompAttResultHyde Scorers 
13/12/1994Morecambe (A)NPL P430  3-1Little (18), Kimmins (35), Nolan (53) Details
01/10/1994Morecambe (H)NPL P395  1-4Aitken (72) Details
01/11/1993Morecambe (A)NPL P274  3-2Graham (12), Waugh (23), Nolan (28) Details
16/10/1993Morecambe (H)NPL P325  2-3Graham (9), Chadwick (61) Details
14/11/1992Morecambe (A)NPL P356  3-3Nolan (44), Chadwick (60, 80) Details
17/10/1992Morecambe (H)NPL P307  2-2Nicholas (22, 90) Details
14/03/1992Morecambe (A)NPL P204  0-3 Details
16/09/1991Morecambe (H)NPL P503  2-2O'Gorman (10, 20) Details
02/03/1991Morecambe (A)NPL P331  1-1Own Goal (66) Details
05/01/1991Morecambe (H)NPL P480  3-1Own Goal (8), Baines (25, 41) Details
21/04/1990Morecambe (A)NPL P  0-0 Details
27/01/1990Morecambe (H)NPL P  0-2 Details
19/04/1989Morecambe (A)NPL P  2-2Edwards, Lutkevitch Details
22/08/1988Morecambe (H)NPL P  0-1 Details
13/10/1987Morecambe (A)NPL P  1-4O'Connor Details
14/09/1987Morecambe (H)NPL P  2-1Lutkevitch, Lutkevitch Details
28/02/1987Morecambe (A)NPL P  0-3 Details
06/09/1986Morecambe (H)NPL P  2-2Johnson, O'Connor Details
26/04/1986Morecambe (H)NPL P  0-0 Details
09/04/1986Morecambe (A)NPL P  1-1O'Connor Details
03/11/1984Morecambe (A)NPL P  1-3Griffin Details
20/08/1984Morecambe (H)NPL P  2-0Clayton, Coyne Details
07/01/1984Morecambe (H)NPL P  3-1Coutts, Coyne, Johnson Details
13/09/1983Morecambe (A)NPL P  0-2 Details
12/03/1983Morecambe (H)NPL P  3-3Oghani (2 goals, 1 pen), Steenson Details
16/11/1982Morecambe (A)NPL P  1-3Coyne Details
12/02/1976Morecambe (A)FAT  2-3O'Keefe (2 goals) Details
09/02/1976Morecambe (H)FAT  2-2Johnson (2 goals) Details
20/01/1970Morecambe (A)NPL P  1-2Grabner Details
26/12/1969Morecambe (H)NPL P  2-0McQueen, Fry Details
30/11/1968Morecambe (H)NPL P  1-1Sandiford Details
12/10/1968Morecambe (A)NPL P  0-3 Details

* = Won on penalties
^ = Lost on penalties

Biggest Hyde win: 3-1 (3 times)
Biggest Hyde defeat: 1-4 (2 times)

Most appearances v Morecambe
Terry Megram12
Steve Johnson11
Levi Edwards7 (1)
Mike Lutkevitch7
Terry Cook6 (1)
Phil Chadwick6 (1)
Paul Kirkham6 (1)
David Nolan6
Colin Darcy6
Malcolm O'Connor6
Ian Callaghan4 (1)
Peter Coyne5
Colin Jackson5
George Shepherd4 (1)
Russ Hooton5
Simon Rudge5
Carl Hodgert5
Richard Harris4 (1)
Andy Graham5
Graham Bell5
Ian Blyth4
John Timmons4
Dave Lees4
Ronnie Swann4
Kevin Glendon4
Steve Saunders4
Jimmy Golder3 (1)
David Blow3 (1)
Gary Henshaw4
Simon Marsh4
Jack Dobson4
Wayne Roberts3
Gary Blore3
Keith Hicks3
Tony Steenson3
George Oghani2 (1)
Walter Nisbett3
Dave Lutkevitch2 (1)
Wayne Goodison3
Geoff Fry3
Paul Fitzgerald3
Joe Clayton3
Tony Camilleri2 (1)
Arthur Williams3
Kenny Hewitt3
Ged Kimmins3
Phil Marsden3
Ray Perry3
John Crawley3
Mick Lacey2
Glyn Chamberlain2
Craig Farnaby2
Frank O'Brien0 (2)
Barry Howard2
David Constantine2
Gary Walker2
Joe Connor2
Nigel Smith2
Phil Pritchard2
Jimmy Clayton2
Steve Appleton2
Greg Wilson2
Ian McQueen2
John O'Neill2
Graham Holder2
David Holt2
George Switzer2
Oshor Williams2
Colin Little2
Chris O'Brien2
Alan Nicholas2
Dave O'Gorman1 (1)
Eamonn O'Keefe2
John Platt2
Paul Hughes2
David Moran2
Ian Wooler2
Steve Waywell2
Mike Phoenix2
Colin Skillen1
83-84 Keenan1
83-84 Morris1
Paul Mather1
Gary Riley1
Kevin Gorman1
Brian Hart1
Peter Coutts1
Rudi Mancini1
Peter Green1
Ronnie Grabner1
1976 Riley1
Eric Fitzsimmons1
Ian Sandiford1
Dennis Middleton1
1968 Rogers1
Roy Wilford1
Bob Walker1
Jimmy Elms1
Jeff Johnson1
Mike Turner1
Bevan Blackwood0 (1)
Kevin Tully0 (1)
Gerry Quinn1
Ray Redshaw1
David Elder1
Paul Bennett1
Mark Deaville1
Simon Farrell1
John Cooke1
John Evans1
Tony Valentine1
Colin Blain1
Mark Wrench1
Jason Smart1
Mark Rutter1
Rick McNamara0 (1)
Jon Pacey1
Chris Molloy1
Chris Downes1
Tony Coyle1
John Bramhall1
Paul Daughtry1
Alan Waugh1
Neil Horwood1
Mark Aitken0 (1)
John McMahon1
Lee Barnes1
Ricky Blackman1
Gary Simpson0 (1)
Dave O'Brien1
Tony Henry1
Darren Pybus1
Billy Garton1
Gordon Tucker1
Chris Cutler1
Neil Peters1
Malcolm Wagstaffe1
Steve Guest1
John Kilner1
Chris Hewitt1
Andy Kilner1
Brian Griffin1
Paul Knight1
Ian Rogers0 (1)
Steve Curley1
Mark Molyneaux1
Martin Heneghan1
Micky Scrivner1
Ged Elliott1
Steve Crompton1
John Mercer0 (1)
Andy Baines1
Jim McCluskie1
Andy Cutts1
John Tanner1
Bill Morris0 (1)
Peter Tilley1
Paul Griffin1
Mal Bailey1
Most goals v Morecambe
David Nolan3
Phil Chadwick3
Malcolm O'Connor3
Peter Coyne3
George Oghani2
Andy Graham2
Jeff Johnson2
Eamonn O'Keefe2
Alan Nicholas2
Dave O'Gorman2
Andy Baines2
Mike Lutkevitch2
Steve Johnson2
Ged Kimmins1
Tony Steenson1
Levi Edwards1
Alan Waugh1
Ronnie Grabner1
Ian McQueen1
Geoff Fry1
Ian Sandiford1
Dave Lutkevitch1
Jimmy Clayton1
Mark Aitken1
Brian Griffin1
Colin Little1
Peter Coutts1

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